Saturday, August 31, 2013

Better Late than Never

I figured that since I finally have a bit of free time I would post a few things. I'd like to keep up with posting on my blog frequently, but I don't know if I'll have a ton of time during school with all my homework. 

This poem was one that I wrote at camp and submitted to an online magazine publication, but it wasn't accepted. I didn't post it before because some companies don't accept writing that was already published somewhere and blog posts count as publication I guess. So here is my poem that would have perfectly worked right after I got back from camp, but better late than never I suppose! 

Letting Go

I arrived that day carrying a heavy load on my shoulders
about to crumble underneath the weight.
Stale air clung to the inside of my lungs
making it hard to catch my breath.

As days went by bits and pieces
were chipped away.
Each chunk fell to the floor and got kicked under the bed
or left at the river to swing from a rope.

Campfires melted away more portions,
laughter replaced uncertainty,
cool nights quenched the sweltering heat.
My lungs were cleansed with fresh air.

Once the final day came around
I was set free from the burdens,
all the worries had vanished.
What I carried along then was a new experience
full of memorable moments.

Back to School

I just finished my first week back at school. I can honestly say that it's nothing like I expected it to be. I thought that since it was Senior year that it wouldn't be as difficult and stressful as previous years. I thought completely wrong. It probably has something to do with the amount of college classes I'm taking in order to earn college credit before I actually go to college. At first I was kicking myself for taking such time consuming classes, but I realize that it's just preparing me for college. Classes won't be simple like normal high school classes are. Even though I may hate myself right now for taking AP classes and college level classes, it will all be beneficial in the end. It's still early in the year. Once I become accustomed to the routine of classes it will get better. I'm trying to stay as positive as possible because it helps to get rid of at least some of the stress. Plus I don't want to suffer through negativity this year. It's my last year of high school and I'd rather it be positive. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Creative Recycling

I have a ton of Seventeen magazines lying around that I wasn't reading. I was going to recycle them, but I felt like doing something creative instead of simply putting them in the recycling bin. I did some searching and found instructions on how to make recycled magazine wrapped bangles that are awesome! The idea came from this cool blog here

I cut up strips of magazine that were long enough to be wrapped around the bangle. The height of this one is 2.1 cm and has a 6.6 cm inner diameter. I found these particular bangles here

I put Mod Podge on the bracelet using a paintbrush and then wrapped each strip around it. (I found that putting extra Mod Podge over each strip made it stay in place and not curl up as I was working on it.) Once I had the whole bracelet completely wrapped, I covered the whole surface with Mod Podge and let it dry. 

And here is the finished product. It's recycled, unique, and totally cool! 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Quotes from Tea

I was drinking tea earlier and felt like this should be posted here. It's one of those quotes that just stands out and makes you think about it a lot. 

"Goodness should become human nature, because it is real in nature."

Green Mountain College: My Number One Choice for College

I should have posted this on Monday when I got back from my trip instead of waiting until Thursday night, but I've been busy finishing up summer reading and all that before school starts in four days. 

On Monday I visited Green Mountain College again because I think it is an extremely awesome place, as well as my number one choice for college. Even though I didn't really need to visit again after the week I spent there during camp I couldn't give up the opportunity for another visit. I love how quiet it is just walking through campus. I know that it was the summer and there weren't classes going on yet, but still. It's peaceful. That is perfect for me because I prefer wind rushing through the trees and birds instead of boisterous cities. Plus the campus is small and class sizes are capped at thirty students so it won't be like sitting in a giant lecture hall where the teacher won't know who I am. Everyone I've talked to about the school also says that the teachers are personable and work with students so that they are able to get the best education that they can. That is another aspect that makes me want to apply there.  

I feel like I would get the best education there rather than at a giant university of a thousand students or more. Green Mountain College is the PERFECT school for me. Quiet, small, environmentally friendly, sustainable and organic. 

Once I finish getting teacher recommendations and taking the SAT I will be all set to apply!   

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Write Everyday!

This applies perfectly to my situation right now. I sat down to write and after about thirty minutes I threw the pen down and wanted to give up. When I started to write I felt like I was actually going somewhere, but now that I read it over it seems really stupid. Then I decided to make a blog post (because I haven't since Monday...) and found this quote. Perfect! I guess I should continue with what I was writing because it's better than not writing anything at all. As a writer it's important to write every single day whether it be a poem, a story, or even just thoughts in your head. That's what makes for a stronger writer.  

Monday, August 12, 2013

I Heard

Bits and pieces float around.
They scream loudly,
block out everything else.

Difference between right and wrong
isn't important,
among the whispers.

Words are simply
thrown about,
no thought put into them.

There is no destination.
Whatever is heard
immediately spreads.

An immense wildfire
burns holes
deep and black.

What started out as small,
harmless, and insecure,
is now a raging inferno.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

I Love Reading, but...

I don't know whether the books for summer reading are all generally boring or if its just the fact that I'm basically forced to read the books that's making summer reading so irritating. I have to read The Poison Wood Bible and Jane Eyre for AP English. I'm not really enjoying them. Actually, that's not entirely true. I haven't read Jane Eyre yet. 

I mean, The Poison Wood Bible was okay, but I didn't understand all the religious references. I'm not particularly religious myself so I feel like I'm at a disadvantage here. Hopefully all the metaphors and symbolism I found isn't completely off because there aren't any religious references. I just have to wait two weeks to find out I suppose. 

Now I'm starting Jane Eyre. It seems like it will be interesting. 

It's such torture to be forced to read books that I didn't originally want to read when there are a whole shelf of books I want to read sitting right next to me calling my name.  

"Read us? Read us, please? We are so lonely sitting here on this shelf." 

Aww, those poor books! They just have to wait until after I finish my summer reading assignments. As hard as it is to ignore their pleading...

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I. Miss. Camp.

It's true. I really, really, miss it. It was only a week, but still. You'd be surprised by how much you can get to know people in a week. 

This is the perfect opportunity for another quote!

I should. True that the best week of my summer vacation is over and it's upsetting, but I should smile because it was a great experience full of so many memories. 

So smile and look on the bright side of things!

That's my inspiration/positive/spreading of happiness quote for today. 


Monday, August 5, 2013

One Kind Word...

This is entirely true! Someone I met at camp stopped me before I checked out on the last day and told me how I am such a sweet, kind, unique person, and that they enjoyed being able to spend a week getting to know me. Those few simple words made me smile for the rest of the day because they made me feel great about myself. Even now it makes me smile! This just proves how saying something, even just one kind word, can make someone happy. And who doesn't love to smile and be happy? :) 

Quotes and Inspirational Things

I must admit...I spend quite a bit of time on Pinterest. I mainly pin quotes that really stand out to me. There's just something about certain quotes that make me think about them and reflect back on my own life. That's why I wanted to add in a "Quote" section on my blog because sometimes it's all you need to make you feel better about yourself or to give you something to smile about. I know that for me personally I always feel great when I come across a positive quote so that's something I'd like to share with others too. :)


Poverty walks the streets,
sullen and alone,
looks for any morsel of food.

No job,
no house,
no clothes except for the rags on his back.

Poverty gazes across town
at the bright lights,
the mansions Wealth possesses.

Owner of a big business,
three-story house,
expensive designer clothes draped over his shoulders.

Wealth passes Poverty on the streets,
walks faster to avoid being seen
next to such a disgrace.

Poverty has goals of his own,
dreams to do great things in life,
to be successful.

While Poverty struggles everyday
to take a step closer to his dreams,
Wealth simply enjoys all he has without effort.