Sunday, July 28, 2013

Vermont Summer Academy

I'm back home after spending one of the best weeks of my life in Vermont. I went to a summer camp at Green Mountain College and all I can say is that words can't ever sufficiently describe how amazing it truly was. It was a relaxing week where I could get away from stress and have some fun. I made a ton of new friends who I miss already and it's only been one day away from them all! Every day I had a group of people to talk to about anything whenever I wanted to. It was comforting to have such kind people around me. I loved how nobody formed separate cliques. The whole camp came together as one so nobody was ever left out or lonely. The environment was an accepting one so everyone felt like they belonged there. 

Green Mountain College 

Class was for six hours a day with lunch in between. There were only three students in my Creative Writing class which I actually preferred because it made it more personal to get to know everyone individually as a writer, and it was more comfortable to share work with the group. I was so used to having different rules and restrictions for writing that I felt free when the teacher basically said that anything we wrote was acceptable and there weren't any restrictions on creativity in the class. I thought he was a wonderful writing teacher for that. Creativity just happens when I write and having restrictions interrupts it. Another big thing he emphasized was that the best thing a writer can do is to get out and observe everything around them. It makes a stronger writer when they are able to write about what they know and observe. I completely 100% agree with that. 

I got to get a feel for college and dorm life that week. Specifically life at Green Mountain College. I was already planning on applying there before but after this experience I am definitely sure about it. This is my top choice for college right now. It's perfect for me because the campus and class sizes are small and the teachers actually care about your education rather than at a giant university where I would just be another face in the crowd. I love their mission to be environmentally friendly on campus. The organic farm where nothing is grown with pesticides is right up my alley too. 

Each day was absolutely amazing. I'm glad I went against all my fears about trying something new. I walked into camp feeling nervous and doubtful. I walked out with more confidence and a ton of new friends. :)  

Monday, July 15, 2013

Forces of Karma

Every action has a consequence
whether it be of equal harm
or worse in a justifiable circumstance.
Karma determines such outcomes.
That is its nature.
Quite miraculously one harsh word
has the ability to result in a rash.
One lie spoken in impulse
pivots around to bite.
A cruel, sick joke
played on an unsuspecting victim
returns to be played once more.
A broken heart of the innocent
offers a bitter kiss that stings.
Fabulous forces stop the cycle,
of a terrible action on repeat.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Kissing Booth

I just read this book in two days because it was just that good I couldn't put it down! The Kissing Booth by Beth Reekles is amazing. Basically its about how Rochelle develops major feelings for her best friend's brother, Noah, after they kiss at a kissing booth for their school carnival. I could say way more but I don't want to give away any spoilers. I guess you'll just have to take my word for it and read it. 

I was reading through the part in the beginning about the author and it says that she was seventeen when this book was published. That is so incredibly awesome! That's proof right there that it's possible to get my writing published as a teenager too. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Feelings after Figment

I usually enjoy going on figment to read stories written by other writers and then critiquing them and giving feedback, but today I kind of started to feel self conscious about my writing. All of the stories I read through today were amazing. They were descriptive,imaginative, made me want to keep reading, and were apparently very popular based on the amount of hearts (basically likes) and comments on them. Then I return to my page of writing and it all seems so...bleh. I started to second guess all of it. Mine doesn't seem nearly as awesome as all the others I read. Mine seems so mediocre compared to everyone else.  

But you know what? After taking the time to think about it more I realized that I only thought my writing was bad because I was comparing it to everyone else. That's when most people start to feel bad about themselves and think that whatever they do is bad. When you go to the library and look through the books in the young adult section they're all different. There are different styles of writing because every author is different. It's unique and creates variety. 

My new view on my writing is that it's unique and awesome in its own way. Just because it doesn't look just like all the other writers' work doesn't mean it completely sucks. I still have room for improvement, but I'm not going to give up and hate my writing because of that. 

Whether it's writing, or clothing, or interests, just because it isn't like everyone else doesn't mean it's bad. It's just what makes people unique and that is a great thing. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

My Cat likes to Blog Too...?

I was in the middle of typing up another poem for Poem Monday when my cat, Izzie, decides that she wants to help.

See? There's my arm. Trapped underneath her. And when I try to shake her off she only stares at me and continues to sit there. Trying to get my camera was a challenge because I had to bend at an awkward angle and she STILL wouldn't move. Usually I don't mind and let her watch me move the mouse back and forth, but have you ever tried to type with a cat on your arm? It's not particularly easy to do. I finally used my other arm to get her off. She didn't like that too much though and ran out of the room. Now both my arms are free!

A Mesmerizing Sight

To the peace displayed high in the night sky
unlike the boisterous crowd below.
Excitement spreads throughout the beach
with pops of laughter and echoes of delight.

I stand among the cheerful crowd in silent anticipation
to gaze up into the vast sky.
All at once, colors burst as they are released into the dark,
illuminating the faces of the amazed crowd.

The sky becomes the noisy crowd,
the crowd becomes the silent sky.
Each individual burst can be felt as it thunders.
The colors turn into a hypnotic swirl.

Each burst captures my full attention.
Takes my breath away
as the colors fizzle out and fade,
until everything suddenly ceases.

The sky becomes peaceful once

Monday, July 1, 2013

Views so Far...

My audience consists of mostly the United States right now, which I guess makes sense. What's kind of interesting to me is the number of views I have from other countries such as the Netherlands, Russia, Germany, Italy, Bosnia, Bangladesh, and the United Kingdom. I'm not sure if people there are actually looking at my blog or if they're just scams. Nobody ever comments so I wouldn't know.

You know what would be so awesome? If someone from London, England happened to see my blog. I became obsessed after watching Doctor Who. Actually, I'm obsessed with Doctor Who and because of that I want to visit someday. Or have a pen pal from there. Any connection would satisfy me.

But you know what would also be awesome? If DAVID TENNANT happened to somehow see my blog. Just thought I'd put it out there even though the odds of that happening are slim to none.

I have a total of three hidden notes in library books (and I know for a fact that they wouldn't be getting me views from other countries), I commented on figment forums, and even posted something on instagram. I really want people to read my blog. How is an author supposed to get noticed if nobody knows about or reads their work? It took my dad a few years to become successful with his blog so I just have to be patient, keep posting, and eventually it will be read by people other than my parents.

Poem Monday!

I found my folder of writing from my Creative Writing class! I should have posted everything when I was actually taking the class, but better late than never I guess. Since the whole point of my blog is to share my writing I should actually start posting it. It defeats the purpose if I don't. So, I'll post poems on Mondays to start. I might post short stories or ongoing stories on a different day too. Although I'm constantly writing so I just have to go the extra step to share it!

To start 'Poem Monday' (I guess that's what I'll call these posts) here is a...well...a poem.

Walking Away

Silence awaits me in the pitiful darkness,
as my heart sinks with regret and despair.
Lies are the only words ever uttered from his mouth.
That is a fact now.

There isn't any sense waiting here alone
when it's certain he won't arrive at all.
Another minute is all I want, but I can't bear
to stand in the cold any longer.

My heart convinces my feet to stay frozen in place,
while my mind urges them to run away.
One lone tear slowly falls down my cheek,
onto the abrasive ground below.

Finally a deep breath decides what I should do.
I leave.
The tear remains frozen and alone on the ground,
waiting for something I gave up on,
in a place where I know I will never return.