Monday, November 24, 2014

My Amazing Group of Friends

I love my friends. 

I seriously do. My college friends are the best group of people ever. We're always being weird, staying in the dining hall until it closes, staying up until 2am watching random YouTube videos, playing intense games of pool in the Buttery, and staying up until 4 am talking about anything and everything, are among the highlights of our adventures so far.     

I hadn't felt like I had a good group of friends like this for a while. I feel happy and content, and safe with them. We're always laughing and joking around, but can be serious if we need to also. Every night I come back to my dorm happy because I feel like I belong somewhere. I don't feel like an outsider anymore. I know it sounds really stupid, but in high school I definitely didn't feel like I belonged there at all. Every weekend I would be upset and alone. Now, every weekend I have amazing people to hang out with and stay up late talking with. It's wonderful. I was always envious of the groups on the show F.R.I.E.N.D.S or That 70s Show and now I have a friend group like that of my own and it makes me so happy. 

I'm glad I found these great people. :)