Friday, July 12, 2013

Feelings after Figment

I usually enjoy going on figment to read stories written by other writers and then critiquing them and giving feedback, but today I kind of started to feel self conscious about my writing. All of the stories I read through today were amazing. They were descriptive,imaginative, made me want to keep reading, and were apparently very popular based on the amount of hearts (basically likes) and comments on them. Then I return to my page of writing and it all seems so...bleh. I started to second guess all of it. Mine doesn't seem nearly as awesome as all the others I read. Mine seems so mediocre compared to everyone else.  

But you know what? After taking the time to think about it more I realized that I only thought my writing was bad because I was comparing it to everyone else. That's when most people start to feel bad about themselves and think that whatever they do is bad. When you go to the library and look through the books in the young adult section they're all different. There are different styles of writing because every author is different. It's unique and creates variety. 

My new view on my writing is that it's unique and awesome in its own way. Just because it doesn't look just like all the other writers' work doesn't mean it completely sucks. I still have room for improvement, but I'm not going to give up and hate my writing because of that. 

Whether it's writing, or clothing, or interests, just because it isn't like everyone else doesn't mean it's bad. It's just what makes people unique and that is a great thing. 

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