Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I am a Journal...Metaphorically Speaking

Tomorrow I have to give one of the first speeches of the year in my Intro to Speech class. And I'm super nervous about it. I just practiced my speech again and I get even more anxious after each time because it has to be between 2-4 minutes and my time changes each time I practice. I won't have a timer in front of me so I won't be able to know if I need to talk a little faster in order to wrap up or to talk slower to save time. I'm also giving this speech first class of the morning too, by the way. 

I put a lot of effort into planning this speech and I am actually pretty happy with how the wording came out. I thought that it'd be perfect to share on my blog as well. The assignment is to give a speech about an object that possesses qualities that I have (so basically creating a metaphor). Here is my speech written out:

This journal and I possess similar qualities. On the outside this journal is protected by a thick binding and a cover to guard whatever is inside. The content is private and meant to be kept there without other people seeing what is written. Much like all of my thoughts and innermost feelings. A thick band clutches this journal shut, just like I keep much of what I feel inside to myself and hidden away from others.

My own life story is still in the process of being written. Each day is a brand new page anticipating all the new experiences. Anything could happen, so anything could be carefully printed on each line, or absentmindedly scribbled across the pages. Doodles stumble around the margins in places where I can’t remember what to say.  This journal is capable of accepting whatever information is presented to it, without any judgment. It just takes everything in silently and holds onto it. Secrets are safe inside of the journal. Secrets are also safe when they are shared with me.

 New information is added to the journal every day. New reasons to laugh, new reasons to cry, new reasons to feel like everything is falling apart, and then there is even enough room for everything to be okay again. Just like with me, and everything that happens in my life.  

So, yes, I am a journal in a metaphorical sense. It fits since I'm a writer. 

I'm going to practice more. And more after that too. Wish me luck! 

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