It's hard to stay completely positive every second of every day. There is a lot that can go wrong and put a damper on your mood. One way I found to help myself stay positive is to write it out. I have a journal I write down things in to get them off my chest, but sometimes I need to turn that into something creative. Poems typically satisfy my need to do so. There is so much emotion you can put into a poem, and once the words are written out you feel more at ease. If I'm pacing back and forth because I'm nervous about something I'll sit down and write about it. In a convoluted yet technical way it takes your mind off of whatever it is bothering you. Sure, you're thinking a lot about it as you write it out, but once you have it all in front of you all the feelings subside and you can breathe again. True story. Just a few minutes ago I was writing a poem to relieve my feeling regarding an event that happened over the past few days that was really starting to get on my nerves. After I finished and read through my poem I felt so much better! Even now I'm not weighed down from the irritation of what I wrote about. (I would describe what happened, but this blog is about getting my words out into the world not all my problems). Bottom line, if you are stressed, sad, happy, angry, have something you really need to get off your chest, or all of the above, just write about it!
Stay positive and don't forget to SMILE! (Like this tomato)
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