This poem was one that I wrote at camp and submitted to an online magazine publication, but it wasn't accepted. I didn't post it before because some companies don't accept writing that was already published somewhere and blog posts count as publication I guess. So here is my poem that would have perfectly worked right after I got back from camp, but better late than never I suppose!
Letting Go
I arrived that day carrying a heavy load on my shoulders
about to crumble underneath the weight.
Stale air clung to the inside of my lungs
making it hard to catch my breath.
As days went by bits and pieces
were chipped away.
Each chunk fell to the floor and got kicked under the bed
or left at the river to swing from a rope.
Campfires melted away more portions,
laughter replaced uncertainty,
cool nights quenched the sweltering heat.
My lungs were cleansed with fresh air.
Once the final day came around
I was set free from the burdens,
all the worries had vanished.
What I carried along then was a new experience
full of memorable moments.